Wednesday, November 18, 2015

An Open Letter to the President

Dear Mr. President,

First, let me start by saying that I mean you no disrespect. However, as a citizen of the United States of America, I can no longer stand by and watch in silence as your decisions continue to negatively affect my future and the future of those that I love. You see Mr. President, for far too long we have remained silent on these issues. For far too long we have let you have the ultimate authority on political decisions that are going to affect us for years to come. You have failed your country Mr. President; right down to the core beliefs our amazing nation was founded on, "In GOD we trust". Your reactions to the recent tragic events that have taken place are inexcusable. In a recent interview you referred to the horrific acts of terrorism in Paris as "just a setback". Just a setback, really? Over the past few months ISIS has caused destruction in numerous countries: Russia, France, Kenya, and Syria.

Now, in the midst of this reign of terror, you want to let thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees into our country? You said in a video released this morning, how dare we turn our backs on the three year old orphans. If the majority of the people wanting to enter this country were three year old orphans, we the people might have a different view on the refugees. But, the truth of the matter is, the majority of the refugees trying to enter our country are middle-aged men. That is a fact. Just this afternoon, 8 people belonging to the ISIS group tried to make their way into Germany posing as refugees. Do you really believe that the thousands you want to open our country's doors to, are all safe? The fact of the matter is, we have no way to thoroughly vet these people. FBI Director James Comey hit the issue on the head at a congressional hearing last month, when he explained, "If someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but nothing will show up because we have no record of them." You claim that, I being a Christian, should want to willingly open our doors to these people. The fact that I'm not jumping at the idea to let them in the country makes you throw the word "persecution" around. How about the fact that of the 2,000 refugees you have already let into the country, only 53 of them are Christian? Christians are the ones being targeted by ISIS, and somehow only 53 of them have made it safely to our borders?  In Exodus 12:49 God tells us that "The same law applies both to the native-born and to the foreigner residing among you." Are we even sure that these people are willing to follow the laws of our land? Dr. Ben Carson said it best, "Americans must stop viewing Islamic Extremism through the lens of political correctness." Mr. President, it is my generation that is going to reap the repercussions of your actions.

I may only be 23 years old, but my eyes are open to what is coming if we do not get this situation under control. It will be my family, friends, coworkers, and future children that will be in danger if we don't fix this problem. I fear, there will be a day that I will no longer feel safe going to the grocery store. I fear that there will be a day when I am terrified to send my children off to school. ISIS is already here Mr. President. They already have their teeth sunk into the lost and lonely individuals of our population. Do NOT give the others the opportunity to enter into our country. It is not too late Mr. President. I am a Christian and a patriot. It is my job to stand up for God and this country I am lucky to call home. It's your turn Mr. President. God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

         a concerned college student

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